Economic Development is Happening in LaGrande Today!

26 Apr 2022
LaGrande is a vibrant small town located in the wonderful natural environment of Northeast Oregon. Additionally, it is the economic hub of the region, offering ample opportunities for economic and personal growth. Economic development is a strong driver of the overall health of LaGrande’s business and residential setting. LaGrande Economic Development is the leading organization that works tirelessly to promote and maintain continuous economic growth and quality of life development.
From May 9 to 13, National Economic Development Week is an excellent opportunity to celebrate how LaGrande Economic Development’s activities and resources contribute to the economic vitality and quality of life of the City of LaGrande. The most significant resources available through LaGrande Economic Development include:
World-class business resources
The Ignite Center for Entrepreneurship is a destination for small businesses and entrepreneurs to do business and gain access to the resources necessary to help them succeed. Users have access to a workspace for flexible work options, training opportunities and networking connections.
Introduction to a cost-effective business environment
Nothing helps existing and aspiring businesses like incentives to facilitate more cost-effective operations. LaGrande Economic Development is the best point of contact for entrepreneurs, business owners and site selectors to become immersed in the economic vibe of the City of LaGrande. A significant driving force in the area is the City’s Urban Renewal Plan, which includes a primary focus on downtown revitalization activities, such as the La Grande Main Street Downtown program.
Several incentives exist to ease the cost of doing business in LaGrande. The Call for Projects Grant is available to businesses within the Urban Renewal District and can be used for new construction or business expansion. The Traded Sector Business Attraction Incentive Program provides up to $200,000 for qualified projects meeting specific criteria.
Shovel-ready sites
Businesses will find an ample supply of space they need to begin operations or add to their current locations in LaGrande. Available properties in LaGrande include raw land, shovel-ready sites, retail developments and historic buildings. A premium location in the area is the LaGrande Business & Technology Park, offering shovel-ready sites within the city’s Urban Renewal District. LaGrande Economic Development can take you through the site selection process to find the perfect location for you and your business.
National Economic Development Week
As a leading advocate for regional economic prosperity, LaGrande Economic Development offers these advantages and more to existing and prospective businesses. This May, the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) is celebrating thousands of similar entities like LaGrande Economic Development with its seventh annual National Economic Development Week (EDW), May 9 to 13.
EDW is a chance to recognize economic developers, the local leaders and organizations who work tirelessly toward building vibrant and sustainable communities through activities like recruiting investors, developing businesses, creating jobs, enhancing the tax base and ultimately improving the quality of life of their communities. There are many resources available for those looking to participate in this year's events. The IEDC’s #EconDevWeek22 Toolkit offers many ideas while using #EconDevWeek22 can help amplify the value EDOs have in a community.
LaGrande Economic Development is the go-to resource for entrepreneurs and small businesses in LaGrande. With a focus on business retention and expansion, workforce development and marketing promotion, the local community has a beneficial advocate for achieving the highest quality of life possible. Reach out to us today to see how we can help!
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